Sunday, July 8, 2012

Activity Four!

4th Grade Science Performance Standards!

Standard A: Science Connections.

A.4.1 When conducting science investigations, ask and answer questions that will help decide the general areas of science being addressed.

I completed this standard in this online course.  The very first activity we were asked to complete had me asking three questions; will hot or cold water freeze faster, will hot or cold water boil faster, and will salt water or regular water freeze faster.  With these three overall questions I used the scientific method to conduct experiments to find the answers.  I personally had to come up with my own hypothesis and then complete the experiment to see if they were right.

Standard B: Nature of Science.

B.4.3 Show how the major developments of scientific knowledge in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences have changed over time.

I completed this standard when I took my Geology course here at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.  During that course I had to complete research and experiments that showed how scientific knowledge changed over time.  My professor also gave lectures, especially on the earth and space information, covering how things change over time.  One piece of information I strongly remember is about how rivers change over time.  The earth that we live on now is definitely different from the earth that started.  People influence changes and there also is natural changes that occur.

Standard C: Science Inquiry.

C.4.3 Select multiple sources of information to help answer questions selected for classroom investigations.

This is one standard that I am constantly completing because I personally am not that strong in the science curriculum area.  To complete my education classes I’ve had to do a lot of research just to understand the basic concepts of science.  I have several different resources saved to my computer that I use to find information so that I can teach a concept to classes.  I also have other classmates that I have as resources who are very knowledgeable in the science curriculum area.  One thing I’ve learned about teaching science is that if the teacher does not understand the concept it is impossible to give a successful academic lesson to a student or class.  This is why I am making sure to have all these resources so that I can successfully teach lesson to my future students.

Standard D: Physical Science.

D.4.3 Understand that substance can exist in different states-solid, liquid, gas.

I completed this standard during our first activity in this online course.  I conducted the experiments to answer the three questions posed at the beginning of the activity.  I also have completed this standard in my Developmentally Appropriate Practice course for kindergarten and primary grades.  I developed a lesson that covered this standard.  My overall objective was to have the children observe and describe the different phases of matter as water changes through these phases.  The lesson involved freezing water, melting the water, and boiling the water.

Standard E: Earth and Space Science.

E.4.1 Investigate that earth materials are composed of rocks and soils and correctly use the vocabulary for rocks, minerals, and soils during these investigations.

I also completed this standard during my Geology course here at Stout.  One of our activities in that class had us looking at different kinds of rocks and classifying them based on their physical features.  Another activity had me going around Menomonie looking for different forms of rocks in different areas of Menomonie.  For each of these activities I had to right up a report and use proper vocabulary for all of my investigations.

Standard F: Life and Environmental Science.

F.4.1 Discover how each organism meets its basic needs for water, nutrients, protection, and energy in order to survive.

I completed this standard in my Developmentally Appropriate Practice for kindergarten and primary grades this past spring.  I developed a social studies lesson that covered the different continents locations, landforms, and animals.  Part of this lesson was to discuss why certain animals lived on certain continents due to their basic needs of survival.

Standard G: Science Applications.

G.4.1 Identify the technology used by someone employed in a job or position in Wisconsin and explain how the technology helps.

This standard has been completed in a few of my educational classes since the smart board is now being placed in a lot more classrooms.  In different classes I’ve had to use the smart board while also participating in class discussion on the use of the smart boards.  Many of these discussions turned into debates about whether the smart board helps students and teachers or harms their overall education.

Standard H: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives.

H.4.1 Describe how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care.

I had to think really hard about how I’ve met this standard but then I realized that I meet this standard all the time in so many of my classes.  My classmates and I always have discussions about how science and technology have either helped or hindered our education and daily lives.

As you explore this site, and perhaps others that are related, answer the following three questions.

1. What do you see are big changes compared to the previous standards?

The main changes that I saw while reviewing this website was that the overall goal seems to be to want to engage all students in the science curriculum area.  I want to put an emphasis on the fact that the change seems to be targeted to all students.  Due to the dramatic change in our society and our overall world, the science standards are trying to fit to these changes to include and help engage all students.

2. How are these standards connected to the other disciplines such as math and literacy?

These new standards are being connected to other areas through the crosscutting concepts area.  The main area that it is connecting to is with math.

3. What do you see will be challenges for teachers when considering some of the changes in the proposed science standards?

I think one big challenge for teachers is going to be to find the time to prepare for these new and engaging science lessons.  So much is changing in the education system that there is becoming less and less time for teachers to prepare and implement the lessons.

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